"...the family is mad, some of the media is mad, and I'm mad too. What irks me, though, is an invidious double-standard: Homosexuals and their
sympathizers often expect a special dispensation from rules that apply to everyone else, while Christians are expected to dispense with their rules."
..."One prejudice nowadays that characterizes those on the left involves a certain assumption. It is the idea that anything they choose to remove from the closet must be accepted by all, and no objection to the disposition of the junk is to be respected. In their philosophical chauvinism, however, a very important principle eludes them. You have a legal right to empty out your closet as much as you want. This right ends, though, where my property line begins."
Homo-expect-us: Imposing Values on Christians
Grund comment: I'll say it again, its a must read
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