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We will be judged by every idle word, as Jesus spoke in Matthew 12:36 and "and I say to you that every idle word, which men will speak will be paid back with regard to his account on Judgment Day: 37. for you will be justified because of your words. And you will be condemned because of your words." (Psalm 51:4, Proverbs 6:2, 21:3).
James 3:6."The tongue is also a fire: the world of unrighteousness, the tongue, is sitting for its self among the parts of our body, defiling the whole body and destroying the wheel of life and being set on fire by Gehenna. 7.for every species of beasts, and also of birds, and of reptiles, and even of sea creatures, is tamed and has been tamed by humans, 8.but no one is able to tame the tongue of men, unstable, evil, full of deadly poison. 9.with this we bless the Lord and Father and with this we curse men."Paul wrote similar admonitions in Romans 1:29,30, 2 Corinthians 12:20, Colossians 3:8, and 2 Timothy 3:1-5. The Jewish teachers had known since the earliest times that the tongue was a great problem for most people.
One source of this knowledge is Leviticus 14, which in English is only about cleansing a leper, but in Hebrew has an obvious strong spiritual meaning. This is because the Hebrew word for leper, M'tso ra. The two words mean "finding evil" so from their earliest days, the Jewish people knew the reference to gossip and slander. In fact the whole portion on cleansing the leper relates to gossip and slander. The offering of the two birds (v.4) represents the twittering and chirping of the gossiper and slanderer. One of the birds is killed, then not offered on the altar, but it is buried, as gossip and slander should be buried. The second bird is set free, representing the repentant sinner, forgiven by God, given another chance, and released to go and sin no more.
The crimson thread and hyssop brought with the birds (v.4) are also significant. The red dye for the thread is made from an insect and represents the penitent's newfound humility. Hyssop is a low bush, also symbolizing humility.
The root causes of this sin come from pride, which breeds contempt for others that lets them talk about others callously, and jealously. The hair of the head, beard, and eyebrows are shaved (v.9). Because these are symbols of pride. The beard also frames the mouth that spoke to gossip and slander. The eyebrows represent the base trait of jealousy, as someone looking with envy.
Rabbis say that Joseph had a problem with this, based on Genesis 37:2, which says "these are the chronicles of Jacob: Joseph, at the age of 17, was a shepherd with his brothers by the flock, but he was a youth with these sons of Bilhah and his sons of Zilpah, his father's wives; and Joseph would bring evil reports about them to his father." Bringing evil reports showed the wrong motive, when his goal apparently was to curry favor with Jacob, not to change the brothers behavior.
Our tongues do sin and we too should remember to walk in repentance every day of the year, guarding every word, because "no one is able to tame the tongue of men." Keep in mind, Matthew 12:37, that we will be condemned by our words.
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I'm speaking to you today about gossip and slander, the above quote is from the glossary of the
Power New Testament by William J. Morford.
I have several groups I go to in PalTalk. What troubles me is not so much when people point out the error in Scripture of other people, we all should give to our brothers and sisters in Christ as the Holy Spirit gives to us. But what bothers me is when people I know to be followers of Christ. Those trying to be faithful, and those are who are faithful, boasting of throwing people out of their rooms. As in booby-trapped type way waiting for them talk, and when they start to speak, at their first word then they red dot them and throw them out. That's not...., that's not the way Christ points.
Who among those can say they are an expert in God's Word, who? Certainly not me, but I do know boastfulness and glee in causing other people's harm. Now a red dot, and being thrown out of a room isn't anything new. Especially for people who know God's Word, and don't add their own words in, but trying to instruct, but we are supposed to be Christ like.
But what are your fruits if you don't act Christ like and you take joy in other people's harm.
Even if they are wrong or that they are an atheist or a Muslim. Unless of course of they are just out and out cursing the name of God or Jesus. Then we should deal them a red dot, of course, but don't throw them our and certainly don't boast or make fun of them.
There have been people, who I thought were Christians, putting down another Christian, who I know and have gotten tremendous insights into the Word of God.
If you has something against your brother go to him privately at first, and he doesn't accept it or you're not able to come to an understanding, try to correct him in public, but not with an evil heart, not with a boastful heart, but a heart of Christ, and might I add, make sure you are not the one who is at fault.
Just makes me sad...