I did a ‘Okay, what's up with the Dec. 12, 2012 thing?’, so I thought I would also do a ‘Okay, what's up with the May. 21, 2011 thing?’
This YouTube video by RS Neaville of www.propheticjournal.net Explains why Camping is incorrect.
Here is a short excerpt from Pirate Christian Radio’s Chris Rosebrough, where he reads a Newsweek article on where Harold Camping got his timing.
Now, I know that Chris is quoting from a Newsweek article so if anyone has a link to an authoritative site on Harold Camping's reasoning, I will surely post it.
Here is a site dedicated to refuting Harold Camping: http://www.refutecamping.com/topics/may_21_2011
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If you have relevant links or resources, please put them in the comments and I will certainly check them out!