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Monday, December 31, 2007

Woman Escorted Off Fort Worth Transit Bus For Reading Bible Aloud


Woman Escorted Off Bus For Reading Bible Aloud

Carol Cavazos

FORT WORTH (CBS 11 News) ― A passenger on a Fort Worth bus says the T. Bus Service discriminated against her religion.
Christine Lutz says she was reading her Bible to her children when the bus driver asked her to stop or get off the bus.
Lutz, a Seventh Day Adventist, and her children were on their way to church.

...for the rest of the story.... - Woman Escorted Off Fort Worth Transit Bus For Reading Bible Aloud

RFID Journal -

"When I read this I thought, man this really is the mark of the beast..."   -grund-

Somark Innovations, a biotech startup, has developed a chipless and antenna-less asset identification and tracking system for animals and even food.


By Beth Bacheldor

Radio frequency identification technology is a valuable tool for tracking livestock, but the button-size RFID tags stapled into animals' ears can fall off, and glass-encased RFID tags injected into skin can migrate deeper into the body and become unreadable. Somark Innovations, a St. Louis biotech startup, thinks it has a better solution: a permanent ink tattoo that relies on radio frequency waves to read and render unique identification numbers.

....for the rest of the story, follow the link...

RFID Journal -

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Icon riddled with bullet holes on exhibition


"Before the Russian Revolution in 1917, there were more icons and churches dedicated to Mary in Russia than in any other country in the world," said Father Victor Potapov, a Russian Orthodox priest who is rector of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. John the Baptist in Washington, during a brief ceremony today at 10:30 am to open the exhibit. "Russia in those years, for that reason, was sometimes called 'The House of Mary.'" Potapov said that more Christian martyrs suffered imprisonment and death under anti-Christian regimes during the 20th century than during the entire three centuries of persecution that the early Church suffered under the Roman Empire. "More Christians died during 70 years of Communism than during 300 years under the Roman," Potapov said. "But the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the faith. And Christian faith is being renewed today in Russia." Monsignor Walter R. Rossi, the rector of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception which is hosting the remarkable exhibition, nodded his agreement.

Icon riddled with bullet holes on exhibition | Spero News

Saturday, November 24, 2007

ADF: ADF letter: Constitution does not forbid leaving Bibles at Cumberland County schools - Alliance Defense Fund - Defending Our First Liberty


FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. — The Alliance Defense Fund sent a letter Tuesday to the superintendent of Cumberland County Schools, advising him that the district did not need to prohibit outside groups from leaving Bibles at its elementary school campuses.  The district put the prohibition in place after the American Civil Liberties Union apparently contacted the district and claimed that allowing such materials violates the U.S. Constitution.

ADF: ADF letter: Constitution does not forbid leaving Bibles at Cumberland County schools - Alliance Defense Fund - Defending Our First Liberty

Friday, November 23, 2007

Royal Seal Indicates Biblical Queen Jezebel's Power


Jezebel, the queen wh0_21_071108_seal_jezebel[1] ose name became synonymous with all things lewd and wicked, probably wielded a fair bit of power in ancient Israel, suggests a stone document seal newly traced to the Biblical "bad girl."

Originally discovered in Israel in 1964, the intricate seal was suspected all along to belong to Queen Jezebel, but confusion over the letters engraved on the stone left some uncertainty - Royal Seal Indicates Biblical Queen Jezebel's Power - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Faith Exposed


CBN News Image

The Musllim Revolt in Northern Nigeria

Islam has taken over most of Northern Nigeria, where a militant rampage took place against Christians.

Burn church, burned pastor.... but in the end....

Christian World News

WorldNetDaily: Archaeologist uncovers Scriptures' famed wall


Dr. Eilat Mazar, one of Israel's top archaeologists, ended her presentation Wednesday to the 13th Annual Conference of the Ingeborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies on "New Studies on Jerusalem," with a surprise announcement. She had discovered remnants of the fifth century B.C. wall built by Nehemiah, the account recorded in the Old Testament book of the same name.

According to the biblical account, Nehemiah served as cupbearer for the Persian King Artaxerxes in the city of Susa. The Persians had conquered the Babylonian empire that had destroyed Jerusalem in 586 B.C. and taken most of the inhabitants of Judah into captivity in what is now modern Iraq.

WorldNetDaily: Archaeologist uncovers Scriptures' famed wall

Monday, November 5, 2007

Jerusalem Watchman » To reverse the rebirth


"Like a massive final contraction after years of birth pangs, General Assembly Resolution 181 opened the way through which the ancient nation of Israel could finally be reborn on its historic homeland.

Not that the battle for her independence was over. Within hours of the partition vote Israel’s enemies began searching for a way to rescind and annul that decision.

But they were wasting their time. Less than six months later, on May 15, 1948, the State of Israel came into being on it’s God-given land.

It was as foretold by the prophet Isaiah thousands of years before:

“… Who has heard such a thing?
Who has seen such things?
Shall the earth be made to give birth in one day?
Or shall a nation be born at once?
For as soon as Zion was in labor,
She gave birth to her children. … ”
(Isaiah 66:8)"

Jerusalem Watchman » To reverse the rebirth

Thursday, October 25, 2007

ADF: Va. school board: Student pro-life clubs no longer banned on high school campuses - Alliance Defense Fund - Defending Our First Liberty


ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A student barred from starting a student pro-life club on a high school campus will no longer be denied official recognition.  In response to a lawsuit filed by Alliance Defense Fund attorneys, the School Board of Stafford County will permit student pro-life clubs at high schools in the district, and the clubs will receive the same rights, benefits, and privileges as other clubs.

ADF: Va. school board: Student pro-life clubs no longer banned on high school campuses - Alliance Defense Fund - Defending Our First Liberty

Mormon ousted as an apostate


Teachings questioned: Lyndon Lamborn, whose personal research led him to question Mormon church teachings, is livid that a letter is being read at ward meetings today announcing his excommunication.

But everything changed in early 2005. Lamborn, an engineer employed at Boeing in Mesa for nearly 25 years, was asked by a work colleague about the wives of church founder Joseph Smith. She had read “Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith” by John Krakauer and asked Lamborn if what she had read was accurate.

Smith, the first LDS prophet and president, had at least 33 wives by many accounts.
“Well, I had no knowledge of multiple wives, so I did some research, including using the church’s own genealogical Web site,,” Lamborn said.

He found the information concurred with the book. “Nonmembers seemed to know more about the personal life of Joseph Smith than me,” he said.

Mormon ousted as an apostate |

Faith Exposed - Christian Dies for Refusing to Renounce Faith


An Eritrean Christian man recently died after spending four-and-a-half years in jail for his participation in a banned protestant church, reported a persecution watchdog group.

Eritrean Christian Dies for Refusing to Renounce Faith |

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Better Living: Thoughts from Mark Daniels: 03/19/2006 - 03/26/2006


About That Eighth Commandment

For some, my identification of "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor" as the eighth commandment will be a bit jarring.
There has long been a slight difference of interpretation as to what the ten commandments in Exodus 20 are. Lutherans have always rendered them in this way. (The explanations you'll find at the link are from Martin Luther's Small Catechism.)

posted by Mark Daniels @ 12:00 AM 0 comments

40-Days to Servanthood: Day 18

Don’t overlook the service of guarding others’ reputations.
In Medieval times, a woman visited a monk. He was a man admired for giving holy, sensible advice. The woman realized, she said, that she had become a terrible gossip, the purveyor of hurtful words. What should she do? The monk told her to go through the village and bag all the goose feathers she found. Then, she should lay a feather at the doorstep of every person about whom she had gossiped. After that, she should return to the monk.
The woman dutifully did what the monk directed her to do and returned to him. The monk said, "That's wonderful. Now go back to each of those doorsteps and collect the goose feathers you left behind. Then, come back here." When the woman returned for yet another visit to the monk, she reported that all the feathers had been blown away by the wind.
"That’s the point, of course," the monk told her. "We can be forgiven the sin of gossiping about others. If you repent for it, God surely will forgive you. Those you have violated may do the same. But no matter whether you are forgiven or not, the damage will have been done. Gossip spreads as though carried aloft by the wind and you can't bring it back."
The eighth commandment tells us, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.” In his explanation of it in The Small Catechism, Martin Luther writes, “We are to fear and love God so that we do not betray, slander, or lie about our neighbor, but defend him, speak well of him, and explain his actions in the kindest way.” Refraining from lying about our neighbor is just the beginning of God’s intentions in this commandment. He intends for us to be guardians of others’ reputations.
Servants of the God we know in Jesus Christ look for ways to build up others’ reputations and to help them be understood and appreciated even when we may disagree with them.
Don’t overlook the service of guarding others’ reputations.
Bible Passage to Ponder: “Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show every courtesy to everyone” (Titus 3:1-2).
UPDATE: Thanks to Bruce Armstrong at Ordinary Everyday Christian for once more linking to this series!
ANOTHER UPDATE: Thanks also to Matt Brown of Good Brownie for mentioning this series.
YET ANOTHER UPDATE: Best of the God Blogs has recommended this series, making special mention of this post and this one. Thanks so much!

Labels: servanthood

Better Living: Thoughts from Mark Daniels: 03/19/2006 - 03/26/2006

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Red Sea Parts Again | LiveScience


The Red Sea is parting again, but this time Moses doesn’t have a hand in it. 

Satellite images show that the Arabian tectonic plate and the African plate are moving away from each other, stretching the Earth's crust and widening the southern end of the Red Sea, scientists reported in this week's issue of journal Nature.

Last September, a series of earthquakes started splitting the planet's surface along a 37-mile section of the East African Rift in Afar, Ethiopia.

The Red Sea Parts Again | LiveScience

Collapse of the Infrastructure along the Dead Sea Shores


Collapse of the Infrastructure along the Dead Sea Shores

Collapse of the Infrastructure along the Dead Sea Shores

   In the last decade, hundreds of sinkholes have developed along the shores of the Dead Sea. These constitute a danger to life and property, disrupt the ongoing life in the area, and hurt development and construction. The Geological Survey and the Geophysical Institute are carrying out a joint comprehensive study aimed at understanding the geological mechanisms operating in the subsurface that are responsible for the formation of the sinkholes on the surface. Integrating field studies, aerial photographs and the data obtained from the subsurface, enable proposing a hydrogeological model for the formation of the sinkholes.

   Because of the extent of the phenomenon and its destructive effect, the project focuses on methodical definition and mapping of the hazardous areas and in implementing a series of experiments (including boreholes, pumping water, hydrological observations and monitoring). Several boreholes have been drilled and a first draft of a hazard map has been prepared. Near future work includes defining the hydraulic parameters in the system as a first stage in developing preventive measures for curbing the processes.

Collapse of the Infrastructure along the Dead Sea Shores

749 CE Golan quake shows another is overdue | Jerusalem Post


The discovery by Tel Aviv University scientists that a major earthquake (over 7 on the Richter scale) took place on the Golan Heights in the year 749 CE - and none of similar magnitude in some 975 years - means the area is long overdue for another one. So say the TAU geologists and archeologists who published their findings in Seismology Research Letters released to the press on Sunday.

749 CE Golan quake shows another is overdue | Jerusalem Post

Saturday, October 13, 2007

People say things that are timeless...

 "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the people's minds." -- Samuel Adams,

Friday, October 12, 2007

The Red Sea Parts Again


Satellite images show that the Arabian tectonic plate and the African plate are moving away from each other, stretching the Earth's crust and widening the southern end of the Red Sea, scientists reported in this week's issue of journal Nature.

Last September, a series of earthquakes started splitting the planet's surface along a 37-mile section of the East African Rift in Afar, Ethiopia.

read more > The Red Sea Parts Again | LiveScience

Friday, October 5, 2007

Pew Forum: Young White Evangelicals: Less Republican, Still Conservative


"White evangelicals are typically analyzed as a group, but an examination of the younger generation (those ages 18-29) provides evidence that white evangelicals may be undergoing some significant political changes. An analysis of surveys conducted between 2001 and 2007 by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press suggests that younger white evangelicals have become increasingly dissatisfied with Bush and are moving away from the GOP. The question is whether these changes will result in a shift in white evangelical votes in 2008 and beyond."

For the rest of the story--> Pew Forum: Young White Evangelicals: Less Republican, Still Conservative

Grund Comment:  Ain't that the truth.... Read what was said here-->

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Satan Invented Evolution Video Series

Satan Invented Evolution Part 1 Disproving the Big Bang

Satan Invented Evolution Part 2 God created the World

Satan Invented Evolution Part 3 Impossiblity of Abiogenesis

Satan Invented Evolution Part 4 Dinosaurs & Age of Earth

Satan Invented Evolution Part 5 Living Fossils

Satan Invented Evolution Part 6 The death blow

See all the videos-->  Shawns Video

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Anti-Christian Extremist Becomes Strong Believer


"HIMACHAL PRADESH (ANS) -- For two months, GFA missionary Prasanth was able to dodge the men who were trying to kill him. He gathered the Christians from his village together for worship as often as possible, but it was dangerous."

For the rest--> Anti-Christian Extremist Becomes Strong Believer

Macomb Daily, Michigan : Kill Jews, Kill Christians fliers found on cars 09/28/07

Police said anti-Jewish and anti-Christian fliers were found on cars parked in a lot on the northwest corner of 15 Mile and Ryan roads, Michigan.
Sterling Heights police Detective Sgt. Paul Jesperson said three separate complaints were filed by residents Tuesday who found the fliers on their windshields.
He said the flier said: "Kill Jews and Christians if they don't believe in Allah and Mohammad."
It further advises people to "Fight those who do not believe."
Read the rest--> Macomb Daily : Anti-Jewish, anti-Christian fliers found on cars 09/28/07

Grund comment: the above link to original article is gone but someone captured it and I have linked to that. 

Faith Exposed: Converted Christian was locked up in a cellar for 17 days

"It was a shock for Muneera, for she never expected such a thought of killing would come from her brother and father. She personally prayed to God, the Almighty. While she was praying she saw Heaven and the Lord Jesus is sitting on the throne. Maheen was at the palm of His right hand, praising Him along with the angels and washing human souls by the blood which flows like a beautiful stream from the heart of Jesus Christ along with the Word comes out of His mouth.

In the vision, Muneera tried to reach Maheen, but she could not because there was a big gap in between Heaven and Muneera. In fact, she had seen a bridge in the shape of a Cross over the gap, but it was taken back to heaven when she attempted to enter in it. That’s why she could not go to heaven."

Read the rest--> International Christian Response: Converted Christian was locked up in a cellar for 17 days

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Faith Exposed - Faithfulness and Protection During Attacks in Myanmar


Testimony of God’s Faithfulness and Protection During Attacks in Myanmar

Below is a testimony sent to The Voice of the Martyrs from a believer in Myanmar (Burma). It is the account of a 65-year-old man from an devout Buddhist village who came to know Christ:

“One day we were sitting at the temple entrance receiving collections from the people, one of the Christians passing by gave me a tract. I kept it to take home with me and read it later. When I read this tract it spoke of receiving the gift of eternal life when believing in Jesus Christ. I started to question and wonder, ‘How can we know eternal life? What is this eternal life the tract spoke of?’

“I asked my wife and children about the matter of eternal life, and they simply joked about it saying, ‘Father you are a good man, you will surely be a rich man in your next life.’ But the thought would not leave me, I felt it deeply as I was growing older, When I die, will there be a place that I go to? So I kept thinking about this over and over in my heart and mind, until finally at midnight I called on Jesus, ‘Lord Jesus I believe, please give me eternal life.’ The Lord Jesus heard my prayer and answered my call.

“Then the light shone into my soul, light in my heart which was great joy. Simply stated, I am at peace, a real peace in my heart which I had never experienced before, which is difficult to put into words.

Early the next morning I knew in my heart that I must throw out the image of Buddha, which I had previously worshipped every day. Without speaking to my wife, I took the image and threw it into a small river near my village.

“When my wife woke up and was preparing an offering to the image of Buddha, it was gone! She was very upset asking, ‘What is happening here? Where are the gods?’ I told her I had thrown them away.

My wife was very angry, crying and shouting and went to the local authorities to report the matter.

Immediately they came to my home—policemen, firemen, the local security forces, in all about 25 people. All asking at once what had happened. I told them that I had found the True and Living God, Who loved me and had given me eternal life.

“They then proceeded to tell me I was not worthy to live. Then I was imprisoned for five days when they tried to convince me to give up this foolish belief and convert back to Buddhism. Thank God, the Lord Jesus gave me strength to face and overcome these trials, and gave me words to speak and answer my accusers.

“Please pray for me as I have been forced to leave my village, my wife and my two children who I love dearly. I pray that I may soon be able to return back to them. I love them but I cannot do what they have asked me to do—curse my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, come back to Buddha and my family.

May our Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on my family and my fellow-villagers.”

Read the rest of the story--> Christian Persecution Blog - a weblog about persecuted Christians and the persecuted church

KJV Only? (King James Version Bible)


Dear KJV Only Advocate:

Greetings in Jesus' name.

We're sure you must have been wondering if we'd ever write you back! We have several reasons for the delay, but the primary one centers around the apparent futility of it. By this we mean that you seem unmovable, as we are, regarding this divisive subject, which you brought up and made an issue, that is, the KJV is the only reliable English Bible.

First, please note that we do not try to defend the sole use of the NIV (or any version) as the only reliable English Bible. This should be apparent by looking at our ministry catalog. It is our opinion that the best method is to study several different translations and have a Greek-English interlinear handy if possible. We have received great blessings from reading versions such as The Amplified Bible, The Wuest translation and Young's Literal.

I used to read the KJV for the first five years after I was saved. (By the way, I was saved by reading a Bible that wasn't the KJV! As a former Catholic, I would never have trusted any translation other than a Catholic Bible, so that is what I read and got saved through!) When I finally switched from the KJV to the NIV, my comprehension of the Word of God soared. What I struggled to understand from the KJV was now easily understood!

While reading the KJV, I had come across "unicorn(s)" (Num. 23:22; 24:8; Deut. 33:17; Job 39:9,10; Psa. 22:21; 29:6; 92:10; Isa. 34:7) and knew they were fictitious animals and it momentarily cast a shred of doubt over me about the inspiration of the Bible! Thank God this did not stop me from continuing in the Scriptures!

The bottom line in all of this is that one must be able to understand the Word of God. In regard to this, there are at least 827 words and phrases in the days of King James that have changed their meaning or are no longer used in our modern, everyday English language, i.e., suffer, filthy lucre, quick, lunatick, wax, charity, gay clothing, etc.! This is just a partial listing.

The King James Bible Word Book by Ronald Bridges and Luther A. Weigle, published by Thomas Nelson Publishers, states the following on the inside jacket:

"Did you know that in the King James Version of the Bible the word 'advertise' means 'tell,' 'allege' means 'prove,' and 'conversation' means 'behavior'? That 'communicate' means 'share,' 'take through' means 'be anxious,' and 'prevent' means 'precede'? That 'meat' is a general term for 'food,' and 'anon' and 'by and by' translate Greek words which mean 'immediately'?
These words -- and many like them -- made perfect sense to readers when the KJV was published in 1611. But today, after nearly four centuries of changes in English, few readers know what such words mean. And most readers miss the riches of the all-time favorite King James Bible"
[emphasis ours].

A clear example of this shines forth by comparing the KJV to the NIV and NKJV. Heb. 2:18 in each translation reads:

"For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted" (KJV).
"Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted" (NIV).
"For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted" (NKJV).

How many people do you think in our modern day readily know what "succour" means? Though this made sense in the 1600's, its meaning is hidden from us today.

Another example of KJV obscurity is found at 2 John 10 which reads:

"If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed"(KJV).
"If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take him into your house or welcome him" (NIV).
"If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not receive him into your house nor greet him" (NKJV).

These are only two examples of many passages that could be contrasted and which would reveal the obscure way the KJV cites eternal truth! If one would add all the obscure passages up, how great of a distorted overall picture would he have in the end?

Another relevant fact about the Shakespearian language of the KJV is vividly expressed in the following:

"The plain truth of the matter is that the version that is so cherished among senior saints who have more or less come to terms with Elizabethan English, is obscure, confusing, and sometimes even incomprehensible to many younger or poorly educated Christians. The words of Edwin H. Palmer are not too strong: 'Do not give them a loaf of bread, covered with an inedible, impenetrable crust, fossilized by three and a half centuries. Give them the Word of God as fresh and warm and clear as the Holy Spirit gave it to the authors of the Bible. . . . For any preacher or theologian who loves God's Word to allow that Word to go on being misunderstood because of the veneration of an archaic, not-understood version of four centuries ago is inexcusable, and almost unconscionable' " (The King James Version Debate: A Plea For Realism, D. A. Carlson, Baker Book House, 1979, pp. 101,102) [emphasis ours].

The comprehension factor alone should cause one to lay down this oblique translation in favor of a reliable, understandable, modern translation of God's Word so that the original meaning, which is crucial in our spiritual battle, won't be greatly hindered by archaic words and obsolete phrases! This is indisputable fact.

Furthermore, the modern KJV edition that you read from is probably not the 1611. It's probably the Blayney edition of 1769. The 1611 edition of the KJV underwent various changes in 1613, 1629, 1638, 1762 and 1769. With this in mind, which edition of the KJV do you like the best? Why do you favor that particular edition over the other editions?

Also, if one claims the original 1611 KJV is the only inspired, infallible Word of God, he is claiming that Purgatory is true, since the Apocrypha was included in the 1611 version and it teaches Purgatory (2 Maccabees 12:45). (Perhaps the KJV 1611 edition should have also included Grimm's Fairytales with the Apocrypha.)

If you want to argue that the NIV left words out such as the blood of Christ, how do you know that the KJV didn't add these words? You must at this point go to the Greek source to answer. Certainly, there is a difference here. But which source is right? (By the way, words that are omitted in the NIV are footnoted in.)

But did you know the KJV has important omissions also? Consider Jude 25:

"To the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen" (NIV).
"To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and for ever. Amen" (KJV).

Comment: Please note that the KJV left out the words, "through Jesus Christ our Lord." If I were to turn the tables on your camp, I could say from Jude 25 (and also John 14:14 which we'll soon examine) that the KJV must be part of a New Age conspiracy or that the KJV's Textus Receptus (TR) is corrupted and contaminated since it conceals the mediatorship (and deity) of the Lord Jesus Christ! But to argue in this fashion would be extreme and unfair, even though many who hold to your position apparently don't think so!

But what about John 14:14? Jesus taught:

"You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it" (NIV).
"If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it" (KJV).

Comment: Similar to Jude 25, this passage seems to omit a word in reference to the Lord Jesus which would bring Him glory and honor and even suggest His deity. (Please note the KJV does not footnote these omitted words, unlike the NIV!) Why is this important word omitted in the KJV? One might be wondering: "Should we pray to Jesus Christ as well as praying through Him to the Father?" Clearly, first-century Christians did both. Regarding the former, Stephen, who was filled with the Holy Spirit, prayed directly to Jesus, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit" (Acts 7:59).

This is a good point to make with the Jehovah's Witnesses who deny the Lord's deity. (By the way, the Hagin-Copeland crowd likewise denies praying directly to Jesus.)

Another similar problem for the KJV Only camp, which exalts the TR, comes from a comparison between the KJV and Young's Literal, which were both based on the TR! Acts 16:17 reads:

"The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which show unto us the way of salvation" (KJV).
". . . who declare to us a way of salvation" (Young's Literal).

Comment: The KJV (and the NIV) are both wrong according to the actual Greek rendering! The Greek does not have the definite article which would yield "the way of salvation." Young's Literal translation is exactly as its name indicates -- a literal Greek to English rendering of this verse based on the TR -- "a way of salvation." This rendering is much more consistent with the immediate context where we see a demon speaking through a girl describing Paul's message to the people. Demons want us to believe that there are multiple ways to God, Jesus just being one of the many ways. John 14:6 shows how narrow the road is. See also Matt. 7:13,14.

In response to the definite article being unjustly added or omitted, Dr. Robert Young wrote in the preface to the revised edition of his translation of the Bible:

"For example, in Mat. 2. 4, Herod is represented as enquiring "where Christ" should be born. But "Christ" is the surname of the man Jesus, who was quite unknown to Herod, who could not consequently ask for a person of whose existence he was ignorant. The true explanation is, that King James' Translators omitted the definite article which occurs in the original. The correct translation is, where "the Christ" should be born. Herod knew of "the Christ," the Messiah, the long promised Saviour and King of the Jews, and his enquiry was, where He was to be born, whose kingdom was to be over all. The simple article clears up the whole. There are about two thousand instances in the New Testament where these translators have thus omitted all notice of the definite article, not to say anything of the great number of passages where they have inserted it, though not in the original" [bold emphasis not in original].

Also note Jn. 3:16 in Youngs, regarding the continuous tense for believe:

"For God did so love the world, that His son -- the only begotten -- He gave, that every one who is believing in him may not perish, but may have life age-during."

This translation, with the verb tenses, opens up the clear meanings of Scripture, hidden to people who only read the KJV.

Again, regarding the superiority of the TR, please know there are other English translations based upon it such as the New King James and Young's Literal translation which was just cited. But they do not have the archaic English words that the KJV does, as previously cited. Hence, these other versions greatly enhance the reader's ability to comprehend the Word of God! How can you justly reject these English versions if you are arguing from the point of view of the superiority of the TR?

We have a reprint copy of the 1611 KJV translation. Notice the following verses cited exactly as seen there:

"Betooke themselues vnto praier, and besought him that the sinne committed, might wholy bee put out of remembrance. Besides, that noble Iudas exhorted the people to keep themselues from sinne. Forsomuch as they saw before their eyes the things that came to passe, for the sinne of those y were slaine. . . . And also in that he perceiued that there was great fauour layed vp for those that died godly. (It was an holy, and good thought) wherupon he made a reconciliation for the dead, that they might be deliuered from sinne" (II Maccabees 12:42,45).

(Can you justify putting the Apocrypha next to Scripture, as the 1611 KJV edition did? How many do you think were deceived into thinking Purgatory exists based on this obvious 1611 KJV error?)

Another verse from the 1611 edition of the KJV is Rev 21:8. Please note how hard it is to read:

"But the feareful, and vnbeleeuing, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all lyars, shall haue their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death."

In our personal library, we have a book written by Ralph Earle titled, Word Meanings in the New Testament, published by Baker Book House. He comments on the words "now full" as used in Mark 4:37 of the KJV:

"The Greek does not have the aorist tense, suggesting completed action (see the Blass-Debrunner Grammar), but the present infinitive of continuing action. So a better translation is 'already filling up' (NASB) or 'nearly swamped' (NIV). If the boat had been 'now full' (KJV), it would have been at the bottom of the lake!" (p. 37).

Earle also comments on the KJV rendering in Romans 8:16 of "itself" (on page 179):

"The KJV reads: 'The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.' The RSV changes 'itself' to 'himself.'
Orthodox Christianity has always held to the deity of Jesus Christ and the personality of the Holy Spirit. Modern liberalism has frequently denied both. The KJV rendering here would seem to deny the personality of the Holy Spirit, calling Him an 'it.' Even if one is reading the KJV in the pulpit he should always change 'itself' to 'himself.' By doing so we affirm our faith in the Holy Spirit, not as an impersonal influence, but as a living Person who dwells in our hearts.
The question may well be raised: Why does the KJV use 'it' in referring to the Spirit? The simple answer is that the Greek word for 'spirit,' pneuma, is neuter. Hence it is necessary for grammatical reasons that the pronoun referring back to a neuter noun as its antecedent should also be neuter in form. But not in meaning! This is just one of many examples of an accidental disharmony in the grammatical usages of two different languages. As every student of foreign languages knows, the precise distinction between masculine, feminine, and neuter to which we are accustomed in English is little known outside our language. We have to translate the thought, not just the mechanical form of the word. Paul believed in the personality of the Holy Spirit! This very verse is the declaration of a personal function: The Spirit witnesses" (p. 179) [emphasis ours].

I have a ministry which includes reaching out to the Jehovah's Witnesses. They use the KJV against true Christians because it erroneously states, as already cited, in Rom. 8:16 (and 8:26) that the Holy Spirit is "itself" instead of "himself." They claim the Holy Spirit is an impersonal force and use the KJV to support this in their argumentation against the Trinity! Hence, this mistranslation in the KJV has helped to promote this heresy. This is fact, not mere conjecture!

Finally, Earle comments on the words "Father, Word and Holy Ghost" in 1 John 5:7:

"Anyone who uses a recent scholarly version of the NT will see that these words on the Trinity are not in verse 7. This is because they have no basis in the Greek text. Under Roman Catholic pressure, Erasmus inserted them from the Latin Vulgate. They are not a part of the inspired Bible" (p. 452, emphasis ours).

Who was this (Desiderius) Erasmus to whom we just referred?

"Erasmus, Desiderius (c. 1466-1536), . . . Augustinian Monk from 1486 to 1491" (Wycliffe Biographical Dictionary of the Church, Elgin Moyer, Moody Press, 1982, page 133) [emphasis ours].

Even more descriptive of Erasmus is the following:

"Why does it not point out that Erasmus, unlike Luther and Calvin, never left the Roman Catholic church?" (The King James Version Debate: A Plea For Realism, D. A. Carson, 1979, Baker Book House, p. 74) [emphasis ours].

The Mormons also use the KJV in their endeavors to exalt the Book of Mormon (BOM). In the book of Acts, there are three accounts of the Apostle Paul's conversion experience. Seemingly, as it is worded in the KJV, there are contradictions between these accounts of his salvation experience (Acts 9:7 cf. 22:9). They use this seeming contradiction (which really is no contradiction at all) to discredit the Bible in their indirect attempt to exalt the BOM. So again, the KJV's obscured wording has been a snare to some.

So, as you can see there are multiple problems which you cannot Scripturally and adequately resolve with your KJV only view. This is an incredibly divisive issue in the body of Christ today. Some of the few people we encountered who know that eternal security (or perseverance of the saints) is a "license for immorality" and are willing to stand against it, let themselves be unsettled over this issue, to the great detriment of God's kingdom. This should not be!

I have also heard it stated that an advocate of the modern English translations of the Bible, during a debate format on TV, was rendered physically incapable of speaking when given the opportunity to present his case. This event has been used by some coming from your view to "prove" that the KJV is the only reliable English translation available. This, however, can certainly not be proved by such! Please ponder the following Scripture:

"I will make your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth so that you will be silent and unable to rebuke them, though they are a rebellious house" (Ezekiel 3:26).

Note: Ezekiel had the truth, yet he was physically incapacitated at that moment to verbally proclaim it! His incapacity for the moment must not be construed to mean he was speaking wrongly or did not know the truth.

Please know we feel we were forced to defend our position about the KJV which stems primarily from a strong desire to comprehend the Word of God through the use of reliable translations of the Bible. This letter should be enough to convince you that the KJV Only position, which seems to be of ultimate importance to many people, is based on inconsistency, ignoring the facts and jumping to unprovable conclusions! Unfortunately, besides hindering many from properly comprehending the Word of God to their own spiritual harm, more divisions in the already severely fragmented Body have resulted over this issue.

God bless you.

Following Jesus To The End,
Dan and Cheryl Corner

KJV Only? (King James Version Bible)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ADF-allied attorneys available to the media following hearing on Washington “right of conscience” case.

"The lawsuit Stormans v. Selecky seeks to protect the rights of pharmacists and pharmacies which choose not to stock or distribute abortion-inducing drugs on religious or moral grounds."


For the story--> ADF: Washington “right of conscience” case - Alliance Defense Fund - Defending Our First Liberty

Also see--> ADF: Health care providers should not be forced to distribute abortion-inducing drugs in Washington State

Grund Comment: This is interesting; if a right to conscience exists then it would, (i think) be extended to all areas of business.  Jews or Muslims can have a 'right of conscience' not to handle pork. Perhaps a satanist working in a 7/11  would have a 'right of conscience' not to check out a nun.  

Double edged sword...

Man keeps trying to put be tolerant of everyone but people have opposing principles...

Monday, September 24, 2007

My Costco Angel

"Now I know how we make a new friend," my five-year-old said later. "We do a kindness for somebody."

For the rest of the story-->My Costco Angel

Grund comment: From the mouths of babes...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Prophetic Journal on Shortwave Oct 6 2007


Starting October 6, 2007

The Last Days Church  Broadcast

with  R.S. Neaville

World Wide Christian Radio


Frequency :  3.215  Shortwave

Online:     WWCR1

Schedule : Saturdays  at 7:00 pm central

People say the most profound things in the simplest way

"Americans look for weapons... Israelis look for terrorists."
                                -comment by MosheC on

Friday, September 21, 2007

Iraq - Fear and Hope video

"Iraq: Fear and Hope" is a short presentation (about 5 minutes) which movingly shows the plight of Christians in Iraq and what Barnabas Fund is doing to assist.


Barnabas Fund ...hope and aid for the persecuted church

Christians Say, "Enough Is Enough!" Petition

"It's time for Christians to stand up and say, "Enough is Enough!" The name of Jesus Christ should not be mocked, nor should those who love Him be slandered for their beliefs. It is time for people of faith around the country to stand firm against religious slander, bias, and bigotry of all types including Christianity."

Sign the Petition > Christians Say, "Enough Is Enough!" Petition

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Alliance Defense Fund - Defending Our First Liberty

 Protecting the family cheryl

Cheryl Barlow simply wanted to raise her daughter – but another woman was trying to take the child away.

When Cheryl left homosexual behavior behind, she was determined to shield her daughter from the negative experiences, the pain, and harmful influences that she had personally endured. But a former partner, who had no legal connection to Cheryl's daughter, filed a lawsuit demanding legal visitation and other rights affecting the little girl's future.

In the midst of the legal battle, another battle -- for Cheryl's soul -- was raging. Would Cheryl come to a place of surrender?

Defend parental rights with a gift today.  Pray for the ministry of ADF.

(Click the play symbol to see the video)

By God's grace, after a fierce legal battle, Cheryl's rights as a mother were protected, and her heart was transformed.

This nation-impacting legal victory was critical...but the fight for religious freedom is far from over.


     Defend parental rights with a gift today.

               Pray for the ministry of ADF.

 ADF: Protecting the family - Alliance Defense Fund - Defending Our First Liberty

Jesus Court Painting Survives ACLU Attack


Inside the Slidell City Court House in Slidell La. a suburb of New Orleans portraits of more than a dozen historic figures have been added to a courthouse display of Jesus, far right, that ran afoul of civil libertarians Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2007.


Federal judge OKs Ten Commandments display at Kentucky courtroom


ASHLAND, Ky. — A federal judge ruled Monday that displaying a copy of the Ten Commandments in a Rowan County courtroom does not violate the Constitution.

In 1999, Rowan County officials voted to display a copy of the Ten Commandments in the Rowan County Fiscal Courtroom in response to the request of a local private citizen.  The King James Version of the Ten Commandments is included as part of a “Foundations of American Law and Government” display.  Also included in the display are copies of the Magna Charta, the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence, and the national motto, “In God We Trust.”

In Monday’s ruling, the judge explained that the “Foundations” display served an educational purpose and that a “reasonable person would not conclude that the county’s display has the effect of endorsing religion.”

“A passive display acknowledging our nation’s religious heritage cannot be interpreted as Congress enacting a law establishing religion,” said Johnson.  “Those who interpret such displays that way have terribly misunderstood the First Amendment.”

For the rest of the story:--> ADF: Federal judge OKs Ten Commandments display at Kentucky courtroom in ADF-funded case - Alliance Defense Fund - Defending Our First Liberty

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Christians 3 – Senate 0 Prayer in the Senate

Remember the three Christians who prayed aloud in the name of Jesus when the U.S. Senate opened with a Hindu prayer on July 12, 2007? Although their Christian prayers were consistent with the history of prayer in Congress, Ante and Katherine Pavkovic and their daughter Christan were arrested for praying to the one true God and charged with disruption of Senate proceedings.

When the Pavkovics were ordered to appear in D.C. Superior Court Sept. 11, a legal team from the Foundation for Moral Law represented them at their request. Although they faced possible incarceration and a fine, the Pavkovics never feared the outcome nor wavered in their faith. Like the three Hebrew men who were cast into a fiery furnace by powerful King Nebuchadnezzar for refusing to bow to a golden idol, the Pavkovics never hesitated to do the right thing. Their resolve is reflected in the words of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to King Nebuchadnezzar:

If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up. (Daniel 3:17-18)

(Column continues, follow the below link)

WorldNetDaily: Christians 3 – Senate 0

People say the most profound things in the simpliest way...

"If you would not do it with your spouse/mate standing beside you, it is cheating." ...a quote heard on Dr. Phil.

"Revelation for the Last Days Body of Christ"


Paltalk Perils

     As many of you know I teach daily on and have for nearly seven years in the christianity section. It can be a great tool to reach people with the truth of the Gospel as it is a free open forum with voice and video as well as text. The virtual rooms we are allowed to setup and control are great venues if they are used properly and a certain decorum and order maintained.

     The only real problem is that you are dealing with people. In the Christian section you meet all kinds of folks who consider themselves to be Christians but truly the majority have no real clue as to what being a Christian is. You meet self proclaimed prophets and pastors and apostles...even a few angels (delusional) as well as supposed bible teachers galore. I sometimes feel as if I am one lone voice lost in a cacophony of voices. I am drowned out by the sheer number of flakes, fruits and nuts. Its a real granola experience.       You have heresies of every kind and description all around you. This is a clear sign of the times.

     This place in virtual reality is a real indicator of what modern  American Christianity has become. No love, no kindness, no truth. No real relationship or fear of a living God. No interest in the unity of the faith or the purity of the Gospel message. It underscores one fact that is necessary for Christians to get a hold of. You need to hear from God! You need to submit to him to help you sort out what is true and who and what is not. Otherwise you will be tossed around in this sea of confusion of men's teachings and doctrines of demons.

     It is time for us to return to a real relationship with God and then escape confusion and heresy. Drop to your knees and prayerfully seek his face through Jesus and his sacrifice today. His righteousness will get you in front of God's throne that you may find clarity of truth. And stay off of paltalk if you are only going to add to the confusion. That goes for Church too. If you aren't a part of the solution you are part of the problem.

God bless you.

R.S. Neaville  09/18/07


Prophetic Journal"Revelation for the Last Days Body of Christ"

Monday, September 17, 2007

There is no "Once saved, Always saved" doctrine in scripture.

Eternal Security
"My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; 28 and I give eternal life to them, and they shall never perish; and no one shall snatch them out of My hand," (John 10:27-28).

Christ has done all that is needed for our salvation and he says that those who have eternal life will never perish. Those who appeared to be Christian but fell away never were Christians to begin with (1 John 2:19).

There is no "Once saved , Always saved" doctrine in scripture. What we have of salvation we have by faith. If faith stops, there is no salvation. It is easy to quote scriptures that give us the affirmative and positive of our salvation out of context while leaving out the believers responsibility. Consider the following portions of scripture in the Bible's own context.

John 15:1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. 3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

also see: Romans 11:15-23, Hebrews 10:19-31, Hebrews 9:27-28 1Peter 1:3-9 *KJV

Prophetic Journa

Christ, Our Propitiation


My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense--Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.

1 John 2:1,2

What is the goal of the Christian life? To live as Jesus did. That means we must try not to commit any sin; our goal is nothing but perfection. God tells us, "Be ye holy, for I am holy," and the Lord Jesus Christ tells us, "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." A Christian is always moving toward perfection, which we will arrive at when our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.

But when we do sin, ...

To read the rest... --> Christ, Our Propitiation

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Calvinism and The Gospel


Calvinism and The Gospel

Its seems that so much of Christian denominational teaching has been infected with the false teachings of John Calvin to varying extents. The eternal security doctrine (Once saved always saved) and the idea that you as an individual were chosen from the foundations of the world is not only silly but patently false. The true predestination described in scripture is simply this:

Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

Mankind is the "us" described here. It was always God's plan to justify us through Christ! it is that simple. In others words Adam was only a transition. Jesus is the man God always intended. We were never to be counted in Adam but in Christ who is the finished product. You must be adopted out of Adam (the old man) and in to Christ Jesus( the new man). This was always God's plan from the beginning.

Romans 5:14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.

1 Corinthians 15:44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.47 The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven.

So when do you become the elect? It is when you receive Jesus as your Lord and savior!

John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

  When did the Ephesians enter into this predestination? the same way..when they received him and believed!

Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

The truth of the Scriptures is plain and pure and simple. You are adopted into Christ and his predestination when you believe! That is the elect! Come out of false Gospels and repent!

R.S. Neaville  08/20/2007

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Faith Exposed! - Answering God's Call - Must Read...


"As I walked alone, I saw ahead two little girls of around 12 years holding on to a 7 year old boy, all from the same school struggling through the waters and walking ahead. The boy sat on one of the girls shoulders while the other girl lifted all the school bags. I asked the girls if they needed help but they said "No, Thanks". They were of course scared as I was a stranger to them. I dragged myself through the water and moved..."

To read the rest --> 2 Jesus Testimonies

Grund comment: Glory to God...

Friday, September 14, 2007

New Links - Farsi Praise

If you go to the Farsi Praise Blog and also, the fellow there does a great Forms of Praise.

I want to express my gratitude to this brother and praise God for raising him up.

Thank you brother for providing this and glory to God.

Feast of Trumpets - Feasts of Israel


The Feast of Trumpets is the first of the fall feasts. The Jewish people call this feast Rosh Hashanah, which literally means "Head of the Year," and it is observed as the start of the civil year (in contrast with the religious year which starts with Passover) on the Jewish calendar.

Jewish Calendar
Tishri 1-2 (new moon)

Gregorian Calendar

Spring or Fall
Fall Feast

Leviticus 23:24-25

Trumpets depicts the Rapture of the Church and the judgment of the wicked.

To learn more go ---> Feast of Trumpets - Feasts of Israel

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Amero Coins Arrive


People say the funniest things... Fred Thompson

Fred Thompson, latest hat in the Presidential Election ring says that “while Osama bin Laden needs to be caught and killed, the terrorist mastermind would get the due process of law.”

Grund comment: ... lol...

Allowing masked voters is a rude joke


The MCC president said, “Covering the face is not an Islamic religious requirement. " She said there is no express injunction in the Quran, which exhorts Muslim women to cover up entirely, therefore no such faith accommodation is necessary. "The covering of a woman's face is a Saudi tribal practise intended to ensure women are treated like chattel, not equal human beings," she added."

" ...MCC president Farzana Hassan said, "unless the intention of Elections Canada is to paint Canada's Muslim community in a negative light, we demand that this silly provision allowing masked women to vote, be rescinded immediately. The sanctioning of the burqa and niqaab as Islamic attire is a rude joke, and insult to Muslim Canadians."

Allowing masked voters is a rude joke

Grund comment: Geez, seems like the muslims don't even want this, so where did Elections Canada get the idea to implement this?  hmmmmm.....

Rod Dreher: What the Muslim Brotherhood means for the U.S.

 The FBI captured it in a raid on a Muslim suspect's home in Virginia.

This "explanatory memorandum," as it's titled, outlines the "strategic goal" for the North American operation of the extremist Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan). Here's the key paragraph:

The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a "Civilization-Jihadist" process with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" their miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslim's destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who choose to slack. "

Rod Dreher: What the Muslim Brotherhood means for the U.S. | Dallas Morning News

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

ADF: Christian doctor fired after city officials learn of his membership with pro-family organization

MINNEAPOLIS — Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund filed a lawsuit Tuesday in federal court on behalf of an Illinois clinical psychologist who lost his contract with the city of Minneapolis because of his membership with a politically conservative, pro-family organization.

 Alliance Defense Fund - Defending Our First Liberty

Faith Exposed - Testimony of Monthir

From Darkness To Light

I was born and raised in a conservative Muslim family. Ever since I was ten years old I’ve been reading the Quran on a daily basis and performing my Islamic duties such as fasting and prayer. Then when I was twelve, I started going to the Friday prayer at the mosque next door every week.

As years passed by, my knowledge in Islam increased. I was extremely religious but I had no true relationship with the God I was worshipping; for I always had felt that there’s a barrier separating me from God. That’s why I tried to reach him by performing those duties such as prayer and fasting.

In spite of my religiousness, I felt that there was a great void within me filling me completely. I never knew what my fate was after death…. For I worshipped God on the outside only. But on the inside, I was a slave to many bad habits and lusts. I couldn’t break free from those habits by fasting, praying or trying to lead a spiritual life. What I truly needed was a heavenly force which would free me and break me loose from the bondage of sin.

Through reading the Quran I discovered the greatness and uniqueness of our Lord "Isa (Jesus)" the Christ. He was wonderful and magnificent… for he’s the Word of God… a Spirit of God… and our intercessor in this life and the life to come…. he is close to God… he is the pure sinless child… he came to this world miraculously, for he was born of a Blessed Virgin untouched by man. Add to all that the fact that he lived a life free of sin and lusts – for the Quran says that all Prophets have sinned and asks for forgiveness from God, that is except for our master "Isa (Jesus)" the Christ. The Quran also says that he performed great miracles unmatched by anyone else. All of that made me wonder…. Who is this "Isa (Jesus)? Is he a mere Prophet? Or is he something greater? Why has the Quran given him all these privileges?

With all the confusion I had I though I ought to search for the truth no matter what it would cost! So I endeavored on reading the Quran from beginning to end deeply. That was when I came upon a verse there, "If thou wert in doubt as to what We have revealed unto thee then ask those who have been reading the Book from before thee: the Truth hath indeed come to thee from thy Lord: so be in no wise of those in doubt. [Quran, Yunus 10:94, Yusuf Ali’s translation]".

This verse was the key of answering all my questions and removing all my doubts… so I wondered, who are those who were reading "the Book" before the Muslims?

The answer came to me from the Quran itself! Those are the Jews and Christians – for the Quran calls them "the People of the Book" because they have the Torah and the Injeel (Gospel), and the Quran orders every Muslim who doesn’t understand it to go back to the Torah and the Injeel (Gospel).

That very day, I hurriedly bought a copy of the Holy Bible. I started reading it… in it I felt that the words of our Lord "Isa (Jesus)" cannot be the words of men; for no man or prophet dare say that he is the Way, Truth and Life… "No one comes to the Father except through me [John 14:6]"… "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. [John 8:12]"… I decided that I should study the life of our Lord "Isa (Jesus)" the Christ in more depth, for I was overwhelmed by great passion to know more about his unique character.

I read in the Holy Bible that our Lord "Isa (Jesus)" the Christ came to the world to save man from sin, and to set him free from bondage to the Devil. I realized the truth of the Gospel in my personal life, and I found in the sinless person of our Lord "Isa (Jesus)" the Christ… well, I found in his sacrifice the solution to the problem of sin in my life. For in his crucifixion is the atonement for all my sins and iniquities. I decided to seek him and his precious blood for shelter because he is the one who died instead of me and shed his holy blood for me!

I couldn’t achieve salvation on my own, not by doing good words or my duties or anything else for that matter. So I decided to submit my life to him. On that very day, I bowed my head and asked the Lord to forgive me my transgressions. Finally, I accepted Jesus as my Savior.


Glory to God

Hezekiah Inscription to return to Israel


JERUSALEM — An ancient inscription memorializing Jerusalem's salvation from Assyrian invaders 2,700 years ago is to be returned to the Holy Land from Turkey for study and public display.

Assyrian forces under King Sennacherib controlled most of the Middle East in the early eighth century B.C. and were about to march on Jerusalem, where a defiant King Hezekiah ruled.

Anticipating a prolonged siege, Hezekiah ordered the construction of a tunnel connecting the city to the Gihon Spring outside its walls, ensuring a source of drinking water. The water collected inside the Judean capital at the Pool of Siloam, where centuries later Jesus is said in the Gospel of John to have cured a man who had been blind since birth.

An inscription inside the tunnel described the dramatic moment when stonecutters working from either end converged in the middle.

Hezekiah's Tunnel, place of Siloam Inscription

The Location of the Siloam Inscription

Hezekiah Inscription to return to Israel - - The Washington Times

Grund comment: Here's a couple of  links to sites with more information.

Relative Size of Israel

From the Jewish Virtual Library:


Fantastic site! Go there--> Jewish Virtual Library

Grund comment: I knew Israel was small but didn't realize Vietnam was (my estimation) about 10 times bigger!

Imperial History of the Middle East

Who has conquered the Middle East over the course of world events? 

See 5,000 years of history in 90-seconds.

Go here:  Scroll down to the bottom and click play.

Grund comment: Its very good..., I'm not an historian, don't know how accurate it is but it looks good.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Daily Express: Doctors give in to Muslims

DOCTORS and health workers have been banned from eating lunch at their desks - in case it offends their Muslim colleagues.

Health chiefs believe the sight of food will upset Muslim workers when they are celebrating the religious festival Ramadan.

Daily Express: Doctors give in to Muslims

Grund comment: OH COME ON!!

Teachers in UK drop the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims


Schools are dropping the Holocaust from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils, a Government backed study has revealed.

It found some teachers are reluctant to cover the atrocity for fear of upsetting students whose beliefs include Holocaust denial.

Teachers drop the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslims | the Daily Mail

Grund comment: OH COME ON!!!!

US confirms Israeli air strike on Syria - Telegraph

 A US official has confirmed that Israeli warplanes carried out an air strike "deep inside" Syria, escalating tensions between the two countries.

US confirms Israeli air strike on Syria - Telegraph

'Palestinian Genocide Day' instead of Holocaust Day

Spanish town near Madrid decides to cancel international Holocaust Remembrance Day in lieu of 'Day of Palestinian Genocide'. Last minute action by Israeli Embassy, Spanish officials leads town to cancel both.

'Palestinian Genocide Day' instead of Holocaust Day - Israel News, Ynetnews

Homo-expect-us: Imposing Values on Christians MUST READ


"...the family is mad, some of the media is mad, and I'm mad too. What irks me, though, is an invidious double-standard: Homosexuals and their sympathizers often expect a special dispensation from rules that apply to everyone else, while Christians are expected to dispense with their rules."

..."One prejudice nowadays that characterizes those on the left involves a certain assumption. It is the idea that anything they choose to remove from the closet must be accepted by all, and no objection to the disposition of the junk is to be respected. In their philosophical chauvinism, however, a very important principle eludes them. You have a legal right to empty out your closet as much as you want. This right ends, though, where my property line begins."

Homo-expect-us: Imposing Values on Christians

Grund comment: I'll say it again, its a must read

Urban Infidel: Muslim Day Parade



"A parade is usually a happy joyful event. Music, dancing, reveling in life. This was more of a march than a parade and a somber and depressing one at that. Here is my first slideshow of the first part of the event. There are four more to follow. I invite you to please look closely at them all. The pictures speak for themselves."

Urban Infidel: Muslim Day Parade

Grund comment: Try the slideshow out, pretty neat...